Fablab Safety

The following are some important points that all students must know regarding safe use of Fablab facilities.

  • Do not wear loose fitting clothing.
  • Do not long sleeve shirts/sweatshirts<./li>
  • Do not wear neckties.
  • No jewelry should be worn in the fabrication lab. (Including earrings,watches and rings)
  • Make certain that long hair is not loose, but is pulled back away from equipment.
  • Covered shoes must be worn at ALL times. NO open tops or open toes.
  • Certain laboratories and workshops require the use of additional safety equipment and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as goggles, safety glasses, masks, gloves, ear plugs/earmuffs.
  • Eating and drinking are strictly prohibited in laboratories and workshops.
  • Know where the fire extinguishers are located and how to use them.
  • Know the location of all fire escape exits and assembly area.
  • Students are not allowed to enter and work in any laboratory or workshop in the absence of the lecturer-in-charge or Technical Supporting Officer (TSO).
  • Know the hazards associated with your work. Be sure you are fully educated on the proper use and operation of any tool before beginning a job. If you cannot do a job safely in the fabrication lab, don’t do it.
  • If you have not worked with a specific material before, consult the lecturer-in-charge or TSO for precautions, methods and instruction prior to beginning work.
  • Before starting any machine be sure to check that it is set up correctly and fully operational.
  • Check power cords and plugs on portable tools before using them.
  • Clean up after yourself. Before you leave the lab be sure all tools are returned to their appropriate position and all the machines are clean and the floor is swept.
  • Avoid earphones, cell phone use and texting.
  • Be alert. Observe and abide all warning signs and safety notices.
  • Report at once to your lecturer-in-charge or TSO if you are feeling unwell or injured.